The National Széchényi Library is working on a solution for an efficient, cost saving and flexible platform, exploring the new ways of a cloud based collaborative platform. Always keeping in mind that although what we think is the right and modern solution, tomorrow it might be an old fashioned one that could prevent further evolution. Therefore, whatever we do, the surrounding system must be flexible enough to embrace a new solution without bigger transitional pain. In order to keep libraries in the important position in the cultural landscape, we have to change almost everything of what we have in the present environment. In the future, we have to rely merely on constant change and evolution. In all definitions we form, we have to raise the abstraction level as high as we are able to do now – with the readiness to redefine everything tomorrow. And this is a constant contribution: the librarians are aiming for sustainability of the given and already achieved, the developers / strategists are looking for innovation and overcoming and replacing the existing structures by always better ones. This mutual support guarantees, that the current evolution in front of us is a gradual, step by step approach, sustaining the existing, at the same time realizing the future. We can trust in the wisdom of the broad community, which is always bigger than the wisdom of an individual, or of a same minded expert group. The world wide web provides the cradle of cooperation for of all us. We have to be brave enough to open up the doors widely for an extensive limitless cooperation, between domains and nations.